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Climbing Operations

Cutting-Edge Climbing Techniques

Skilled Arborist Tree Climber Serving in Fort Collins, CO

Backed with ISA Tree Worker Climber Specialist certification, climbing trees is our passionately honed craft. Whereas bucket trucks and lifts are very useful for tree work, they add to the cost, present their own set of hazards, and are often unable to access certain trees or will require a high cost to gain access. Additionally, for pruning operations, booms will not be able to access all parts of the canopy without causing unnecessary damage to the tree. UpDown Arborist does however have extensive experience with bucket trucks and lifts and will ultimately choose the right tools for the job.

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We’ll Climb Your Tree Safely

Our professional tree climber uses the latest techniques to tread lightly and not damage the tree during pruning operations.

A Tree Climber You Can Rely On

Previously an AMGA-certified rock climbing instructor, our comfort zone is high above the ground on a rope. With seven years of experience as a production tree climber, we have the tools and skills to do the required work aloft, whether it is tree cabling, pruning, full removal, or even rescuing a stuck drone or a scared kitty.

Team Up With a Professional Tree Climber

When you need a skilled tree climber in the Fort Collins, CO area, ours is the number to call. Our goal is to provide you with a safe and efficient climbing service for whatever purpose you require. Whether you need us to perform routine maintenance on your trees or remove them entirely, we’re here to help.